Big Girl Plus Size Clothing

Welcome to all the Big Girl Plus Size Clothing for Gorgeous Goddesses

Looking for big girl plus size clothing in wild colours? Hi, my name is Teena Hughes and I am a clothing designer and silk artist, creating beautiful large floaty silk and cotton designs for big girls, plus sizes, and pregnant women … all of whom are voluptuous beauties.

Big Girl Plus Size Clothing

Somewhere over the last decade or two, manufacturers stopped thinking about the public and what they needed and wanted. The clothing manufacturers focussed on size 10-12-14 [in Australia] and even size 14 is still considered to be ‘plus sized’, which is simply ridiculous.

Pssst! To sign up for my New Clothing and Abfab Silk Newsletter, click this link:

There are many wonderful websites devoted to plus sized girls and women, and I applaud them all.

I have been interviewed by a Plus Size website editor and it was refreshing to be involved in positive reinforcement.

Big Girls’ Plus Sized Clothing

Oh how wonderful to discover some designers started designing clothes for the non-toothpicksized female!

Woe is me whenever I look at these clothes [always more expensive by way more than the small amount of extra fabric could warrant] and see that they are basically size 12-14 s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d to extend the WIDTH only.

Fascinating how the designers haven’t cottoned on that big girls do NOT want skimpy little tops which finish at the waist, or the belly button, or 6 inches below the waist which draws the eye to the ample hip area.

If these designers had big girls and women designing for them, they’d also know that you can’t start with a size 12 or 14 top or shirt or blouse, make it wider, and FORGET TO ENLARGE THE SLEEVE at the armpit.

How many times have YOU tried to squeeze into armholes designed for size 12’s?

It’s totally baffling, it truly is. And that’s why I design clothes which fit size 10-12-14 just as well as larger sizes from 16-18-20 and 22-22-24 … with comfortable sleeves :-)

So welcome to my new AbfabDesigns site — CLICK HERE, have a look at some of the fabulous designs, sign up for the newsletter or enter the competition [click the menu buttons for more info].

If you FEEL fabulous you’ll LOOK fabulous, so wear something from ABFABDESIGNS and achieve both!

If you’d like to look at the types of hand-painted silk and cotton clothing I make, click the photos on this page:

Let me know what you think – send me an email!

PS the floaty coats and big tops are PERFECT for plus size and pregnant women too!



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